Phonics at Grange Infant School
As a school we follow The Read Write Inc (RWInc) programme to teach phonics.
What is Read Write Inc?
Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, is a whole-school government verified phonic programme for children from Year R to Year 2. It is designed to teach synthetic phonics, creating fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. Read Write Inc sets out a detailed and systematic programme for teaching phonic knowledge and skills.
The children learn the 44 common sounds in the English language, how to sound blend words and how to spell. The children read books with words they can sound out and blend. This enables them to have early success in reading and build confidence.
At Grange we use Kinetic Letters to learn letter formation rather than RWI and we have our own writing overviews that we follow.
In Year R, during the Autumn term, the children learn to read and write the first set of phonics, called Speed Sounds Set 1. Once this set has been completed, the children are assessed to find the right reading level so that they can be grouped for their daily 20 minute RWI lessons.
In Key Stage 1, children are assessed and are then placed in a phonics group that matches their phonics knowledge and reading level. They will have a daily 20 minute RWI lesson that follows our weekly timetable. Within these sessions, the children will progress from Speed Sounds Set 1 through to Speed Sounds set 2 & 3. During each lesson, children will follow a weekly timetable of activities including learning new sounds, practising and applying this knowledge through reading fun books at their own level.
We provide a wealth of well-organised resources and well trained staff to deliver these lessons. This includes providing children with matching, decodable home reading Book Bag Books.
The children have weekly assessment opportunities to enable them to make rapid progress, at their own speed, through the RWI colour levels, building skills and confidence as they go.
Once children have completed the RWI programme, they will move onto a Grange Infant School ‘Sound to Spelling’ programme.
In all Year Groups, in addition to daily RWI lessons, children also enjoy a mixture of Guided Reading and Book Talk sessions. This gives them opportunities to explore, practise and apply the National Curriculum skills, through a selection of high quality texts and fun experiences to help them access the wider curriculum and to inspire a love of reading.
For further information on our Reading activities please see the Reading section of the website. Click of the logo below to be directed: