Welcome to
Grange Infant School

Policies and Procedures

Our Policies and Procedures

Abusive Behaviour Policy 2023

Acceptable Use of ICT 2024

Accessibility Plan 2023

Administration of Medicines 2023

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Admissions Policy 2023-24

Allegations Against Staff 2023

Allergy Policy 2023

Antibullying Policy 2023

Assessment 2022-2023

Attendance Policy 2024 

Behaviour Policy Oct 2023

Best Value Statement 2024

Charging and Remissions 2023

Child on Child Abuse Policy

Child Protection Policy 2023

Children with Health Needs who cannot attend school 2023

Complaints Policy 2023

Collective Worship 2023

COVID Behaviour policy 

Data Protection Policy 2023

Designated Teacher for LAC and PLAC

E Safety 2023

ECT Policy 2023

Educational Visits

Equalities Policy 2024

Feedback-Marking and Improvement 2024

First Aid Policy 2023

Fire Evacuation 2023

Food Policy 2024

Freedom of Information 2023

GDPR Statement of Intent 2023

Governor Allowance Policy 2024

Health and Safety Policy 2023

Home School Agreement 2024

Homework 2024

Late Collection Policy 2023

Low Level Concerns Policy 2023

Medicines 2023

Missing Child Policy 2024

Parents Code of Conduct Policy

Physical Restraint-Intervention 2024

Privacy Notice for Governor 2023

Privacy Notice for LAC-SEN 2023

Privacy Notice Parents-Pupils 2023

Privacy Notice for Volunteers 2023

Protection of Biometric Data 2023

Providing Remote Education
Information to Parents

Safeguarding Policy 2023

SAR Policy 2023

Security Procedures 2024

SEND Policy 2024


Social Media Policy 2023

Sun Safety 2023

Supporting Children with Medical Conditions

Teaching and Learning 2023

Toileting 2024

Traffic Management Plan 2024

Whistleblowing 2023


Please note: Requests for paper copies of this information can be made and will be given free of charge from the school office.