Grange Infants aims to provide a high-quality Art and Design curriculum, enabling pupils to produce creative work of a high standard using a variety of materials and a range of art and design techniques including drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, textiles, printing and ICT.
Pupils use art as a means of self-expression, sharing their own ideas, experiences and imagination. They are able to engage with art and design activities for enjoyment. Pupils are able evaluate their own and others work using the language of art, craft and design.
Year R art:
range of art and design techniques. The opportunity to experiment with materials, make choices and improve their skills are developed through a ‘sketchbook’ approach to working, where the journey is as valued as the finished piece of artwork. Planned units of work across all three year groups, mainly linked to their half termly topics, ensure regular teaching of drawing and painting alongside a balanced variety of other art and design techniques (sculpture, collage, textiles, printing and ICT). Each unit of work also focuses on an artist, designer or craftsperson, providing inspiration for pupil work. This also links art and design as part of our cultural capital and as a source of employment. Pupils are also taught to evaluate their own work and the work of others, using the language of art and design referring to colour, pattern, texture lines shape, form and space.
Child initiated learning in Year R provides a range of opportunities both inside and outside for pupils to develop their art and design skills. For example, they are able to make marks in a variety of ways, using pens, crayons, paintbrushes and water, large chalk and painting using colour mixing.
In Year 1 and 2, alongside the planned art curriculum, there are opportunities for pupils to engage in art for enjoyment, self-expression, and well-being. Examples of these include during ‘Busy Bee time’ (Year 1) and a selection of after school clubs and reward time activities. Recent clubs have included Art and Sewing.
Year 1 art:
Pupils are confident to use a wide range of materials to obtain a planned effect. Pupil’s journeys in art during a unit of work and their time at the school can be seen in their ‘sketchbook style’ workings and in displays around the school. Pupils are able to talk about their work and the work of others using the language of art and design.
Year 2 portraits: