British Values
British Values
The Government set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 ‘Prevent strategy’. These values are reinforced regularly at Grange Infant School in the following ways:
British Values runs throughout our curriculum. It is part of our everyday learning. Our classes display how, as a school, we promote British Values throughout our lessons and the values we work with are referred to on a daily basis with the children.
Pupil voice is of the upmost importance at Grange Infant School. Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through decisions made by our active School Council, regular pupil conferencing of all subjects by subject leaders within the school and through work with our Governing body. Children are invited to work with the Headteacher on a weekly basis and discuss what is working well in their learning and what can be improved. The children are regularly encouraged to vote to help make decisions as a class. They are encouraged to collaborate and value each other’s opinions.
The rule of law :
The importance of laws and rules are comprehensive throughout the curriculum. These laws and rules that support class, school or country are reinforced though learning in PSHE and through regular assemblies and whole school days. Our children understand that actions have consequences and it is their responsibility to behave in the right way and to make the right choices. Our behaviour policy reinforces and rewards making the right choice. Our ELSA team supports this work providing further opportunity to discuss choosing the right path. We are proud of our local community and the services within it.
Individual Liberty:
Pupils at Grange Infant School learn in a safe, secure and nurturing environment. They know their boundaries and are encouraged to make choices safely. They are not afraid to ask or answer questions and will happily stand up for what they believe in. Lessons encourage children to work in a group and have their say. They are happy to agree and disagree with their peers and give reasons why. Our pupils have the freedom to make choices about how they work and what they will learn. They have a number of extra- curricular activities that they can choose to be part of. Our E safety curriculum and PSHE curriculum allow the children to express themselves and make choices in a safe environment.
Mutual respect:
At Grange Infant School, we are proud of our school values. Our children strive to earn their class respect award and regularly evidence how they show respect for themselves, their peers, adults and their school community.
Our behaviour policy encourages children to respect themselves and each other and to work as a team. Respect forms part of our collective worship in school, and children have the opportunity to discuss this as a concept through their PSHE and RE lessons.
On 3rd July, Gosport Town Hall hosted the Schools’ Respect Presentation which recognises those children who have proven to be model citizens, excellent role models and above all, respectful and polite individuals.
We would like to say a huge congratulations to the children who received their trophy from The Mayor of Gosport,
Martin Pepper. It was such a lovely event and we are so proud of the children!
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs:
This is promoted through every aspect of school life. PSHE and RE lessons equip children with an understanding of different faiths and beliefs and the values which different religions hold. Children are taught to respect each other and welcome differences and learn from them. These lessons are supported by regular assemblies and visitors and visits to learn about different faiths. Our anti bullying policy supports children learning to celebrate differences and work together. Tolerance and an understanding of different faiths runs as a theme through our communication screens to parents, where we give them the opportunity to learn about different faiths and understand different cultures.