Welcome to
Grange Infant School
24th July 2017 @ 11:45 am – 3:00 pm

We are pleased to tell you that Year 2 children are going on a 1/2 day visit to Stubbington Study Centre. This will be a lovely way to end our topic on adventure and a lovely way to end your child’s time at Grange Infant School. It will be a super day led by exceptional staff at the centre.

Magpies will leave school at 11.45am. They will eat their lunch in the classroom at 11am before they leave. If your child has a school dinner, a packed lunch will be provided. They will leave Stubbington Study Centre at 3pm, so will be arriving back at school at 3.15pm.

This is an outdoor adventure so children can wear jeans (or similar) and trainers. Children MUST wear a hat and sun cream and bring a water bottle.

If you have any questions or are available to help please see your child’s class teacher.

The cost of this trip is £11.00 per child. This includes the activities at the centre and the transport.

Please also see their website https://www.hants.gov.uk/educationandlearning/stubbingtonstudycentre

A letter will be sent home in your child’s book bag, please sign and return this by Friday 23rd June.